Sunday, April 7, 2024

The New Coffee Shirt

I got this mini mat a year or so ago, and it was just lying in the studio. I thought to make a shirt on it and started around Thursday. It was not a huge success, and I still need to work on it.

Photo Pieter Lategan

Photo Pieter Lategan

Friday Night at Raras

Anton and I went to a nightclub in Pretoria on Friday night. We had a couple of drinks, I think, a shooter, and enjoyed the evening a lot.

 We already knew a lot of people there, so we are all a small, little family.

This is me and Penny Human

Photo by
 Pieter Lategan

This is me and Lily. She is going next year for a sex change to become a woman. She is a diesel mechanic. She is going to do it in Thailand because it is much cheaper there than in South Africa.



Author: Pieter Lategan
Fashion Designer / Web Designer / Graphic Artist / Blogger
National Diploma in Entertainment Technology

Subjects: Decor, Costumes, Makeup, and Props 

Thursday, April 4, 2024


I think when you love someone, that love hardly ever goes away. Somewhere deep inside you, it stays and lives, and you will always remember some moments, and some you will forget.
I have been with Anton for two weeks now. I am back in my apartment but I come and visit him. He is a good man whom I will always love, and someday, a long time from now, it may go away, but a little love will remain.

I am very lazy and need to start working on my shirt tomorrow.  What we do here is we sleep late and chat and enjoy each other company.

Anton makes these swimwear gowns. This is what a client ordered in Randburg, Johannesburg.

Photo Anton Visser

Photo Anton Visser

Author: Pieter Lategan
Fashion Designer / Web Designer / Graphic Artist / Blogger
National Diploma in Entertainment Technology
Subjects: Decor, Costumes, Makeup, and Props

Sunday, March 31, 2024

My New Shirt

I am sitting alone at Anton's house. I ask myself, what am I still doing here? I actually came to help make clothing for a concert for a school here in Montana (Montana High School).

Anton has found someone new. I am glad, for his sake, as it helps me to emotionally break with him. He said last night at a club to a lady that she must not infer; he is not going to give me another chance.

So this is the end of a story, a long time, three years together. And now he is on his own, I am leaving him so he can do whatever he wants.

I made myself a new shirt on Friday, this was Easter weekend.

I forgot to wash the fabric, causing it to shrink significantly. Consequently, instead of being a medium, it is now a small, rendering it unwearable. Since I was quite fond of the fabric, I need to sell this shirt.

Author: Pieter Lategan
Fashion Designer / Web Designer / Graphic Artist / Blogger
National Diploma in Entertainment Technology - Pretoria, South Africa
Subjects: Decor, Costumes, Makeup, and Props

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Sitting and do Nothing

 I am alone tonight. I struggle a bit with money, but got food to eat. I have not drawn for a while, but as soon as I get my computer, I will be up and ready.

Author: Pieter Lategan
Fashion Designer / Web Designer / Graphic Artist / Blogger
National Diploma in Entertainment Technology
Subjects: Decor, Costumes, Makeup, and Props

Thursday, October 5, 2023


 Today I bought fabric for my jacket.

 I helped Jacques with petrol; he lost his wallet.

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

New Ideas for Jacket

Today, Anton and I went to MetroLifestyle where we buy our fabrics from. It is about 2 km from our house here in Reagan Park. We looked at shweshwe fabric to make our jackets. That was what I had in mind for my jacket which we want to wear to the modeling school fashion show next week.

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 Anton got the idea for jackets. We are considering using swe swe to manufacture them.

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

Photo: Internet

My Home with Anton and it was not just a House

 Home, this is where I live, Anton, and I. I love this place; it is in Magalieskruin, Pretoria, South Africa.

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Photo: Pieter Lategan

Twitter ( Tuesday Day 3 - 18 Days to Go.)

  Design by Pieter Lategan/Ontwerp deur Pieter Lategan Twitter Advert for the Centurion Art Association: Design by Pieter Lategan Pieter Lat...