Showing posts with label Recycled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recycled. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Product - Mannequins


Mannequins | Euroshop 2008 | Hans Boodt

The invention of mannequins is unknown to the human being. Records show that there were mannequins found in Egypt in 1300 BC. 
Life-size mannequins come to life in the mid-18th century. They were used in the military to do nuclear tests on what the effect would be on humans in the 1950s. In the 17th century, doctors used mannequins to study the medical anatomy of pregnant women for childbirth.

Mannequin head! Paper mache tutorial

How to Prepare A Mannequin for Draping | Sewing with Stefanie

Zita Fabiani

Development and manufacturing of sustainable products, including recycled products, in the fashion industry are important for the environmental and social impact they have. The competitive fashion world is strategic and innovative, keywords to be ahead of the development of products.

When starting to create, the blog can easily be used as a recording platform or a drawing board to memorise unique ideas captured from the internet.

When you observe your immediate surroundings, including your house, garage, garden, and dustbins, you can find materials to start building the product (mannequin). Recycle as much as you can. Be environmentally friendly!

Google says: "The fashion industry produces up to 100 billion garments a year and as much as 92 million tons of clothing went into landfills." Start now to recycle and be friendly to our mother earth, who feeds us fresh food in our stomachs to keep us healthy. 

Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Official Music Video) - 1987

"I am going to leave you with a thought; it is OK." -  Pieter

The article was written by Pieter Lategan

The Red Planet

Psalm 23 of David The LORD is my direction, to take me further than the moon to Mars. I'm now in want of my parents, my loved ones, my b...