Showing posts with label sol kerzner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sol kerzner. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pieter Lategan Title: Rip Sol Kerzner


Medium: A4 paper pencil H

Solomon (Sol) Kerzner (23 August 1935 – 21 March 2020) was a South African accountant and business magnate.

He founded both of South Africa's largest hotel groups, the Southern Sun Hotel Group and Sun International. He graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and took over the running of his family's hotel chain. His parents owned and operated a chain of kosher hotels.

In 1979, Kerzner developed Sun City, the most ambitious resort project in Africa.

So what do I think of my own work?

I like it; it is sad the man passed away; he was a very good and clever businessman.

Some of the lines are a bit too hard; I draw with an H pencil. The sketch was not drawn exactly in the middle, but that is fine. I got the photo from the internet from the Getty Photos website, and the photo was taken by a person with the name of Kevin Mazur/WireImage.


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