Showing posts with label Product Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Design. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Issey Miyake - Japanese Fashion Designer


Issey Miyake

1938- 2022 - Photo: Voque

Miyake was born in Hiroshima, Japan. When he was only seven years old, he lost his mother to the atomic bomb at Hiroshima (9 August 1945), which he survived and also can remember.  

His clothing designs were technology-driven, and that was what he was well known for. He was also famous for the design of Steve Jobs, a friend of his, the black turtlenecks he wore.

Evening dress
Designer Issey Miyake Japanese
fall/winter 1992–93

Tokujin Yoshioka has created an installation of see-through bodies as part of a large-scale exhibition of fashion designer Issey Miyake

- Written by:

Pieter Lategan (June 2024)

Shayne Ward - No Promises (10 April 2006)

To Riaan:
I remember the night you came and visited—no shoes, your tone hurt the previous night when we were on the mobile phone.
This song is playing in the air tonight when you enter my apartment. You touched my hand and I felt your breath next to mine.

- Pieter