Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Design and Development of Pieter Lategan Galleries

When you think, a lot of people keep their thoughts to themselves. It is not always understandable why people do certain things, because you don't know what is on the mindset of that person.

Now you may wonder why I am writing this. This is a blog, please note, not a website. Before I proceed with this sentence, I want to explain the difference between a blog and a website, well, that is what Google says.

I searched for the actual difference between a blog and a website. They are different in their nature but similar in type. This means they are similar types but apart from each other. I won't delve deeper into that, but a website consists of a link of pages, whereas a blog is the thoughts and opinions of a writer which do not have pages that navigate to other pages, like going to a contact page, price list page, or about us page. So it is easy to explain but not always easy to remember.

I want to continue with the first two sentences with which I started: I design and develop on my blog, ideas, concepts, and thoughts. Sometimes it gets out of hand, and my imagination runs away from me.

The internet space is very interesting; you can basically do what you want. However, there are certain things you need to understand. If you put information about yourself, your address, your phone number, things change and laws are made so that it is not always possible inline by the law, like the Sectional Title law where I am not allowed to run a business from home. If I advertise, I need to do it without an address, but it is okay to call, yet you have to bring your client to you. This is wrong, because then you cannot do business at the place you reside, which is not allowed. It is difficult to live in your own unit because anyone can access this property which I own, and the wrong person might walk in and claim that I am conducting business. Then again, he needs to prove it, but if he sends his friend and there are a few pieces of evidence, that can lead to unwanted trouble in form of a letter.

While I am on the topic, this letter was addressed to me this week. It gives me a good understanding of how the art is experiencing me. In an individual's opinion. My acting was maybe to gain financial pleasure, but I was acting as a salesman, to train myself to start selling artworks, which the art institution has less or no knowledge of.

Friday, July 12, 2024

New Product in Development - The Design and Development of the Product : By Pieter Lategan Online Galllery

 Platforms: Facebook Market Place
Materials: (What do I have in Stock)

Develop and Design by Pieter Lategan
Opening Hours: 7/24
Open on Public Holidays
Reseach: What sells the best on Facebook Market Place
What kind of product is in demand.
Who are the client and what is there needs
Where is the item going to be used.

Looking for a product and sell it as second hand
Looking for a simple, easy to make product made of out of fabric

Sell stuff next to a secondhand shop

Looking for a secondhand shop

Recycle fabric

Fabric Cost

Minu Matt  R30  (you can get out 6) Cost R5
Swe-Swe  R80  (You can get out about 6) Cost R13.33
Beads: R20
Hair: R65 (Can Get 3 out) R21






Title: Doll Pattern on Mini Matt. Photo: Pieter Lategan 

Fabric to Us on African Doll.  Photo by Pieter Lategan

Pattern and Fabric for African Doll.  Photo by Pieter Lategan

African Doll. Photo by Pieter Lategan

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 aims:

 Link: What does the Law say.

8 of 2011

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 aims:

  • to provide for the establishment of bodies corporate to manage and regulate sections and common property in sectional titles schemes and for that purpose to apply rules applicable to such schemes;
  • to establish a sectional titles schemes management advisory council; and
  • to provide for matters connected therewith.
That is the reason why I have to stop a Gallery or Studio on my balcony.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Everyday We Look At Mannequins Around Us. (Monday Day 2 - 19 days to go).

I want to design, I have an idea, and I want it to be economical, eco-friendly, and recyclable. Now I think, about what sex it must have, I like male, so I am going to focus on male (body).  The sculpture has to stand on his feet, with a head, arms, legs, and belly, just the normal casual guy. That is what I want the mannequin to look like. The boy boor next door...

Like a Stone- Audioslave (2002)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Men's Shirt Sold for R500

Product is Designed and Developed by 
Pieter Lategan and Anton Visser

Thank you my friend Wouter for your support.  Please come and visit again.  I am open from 11am - 4pm on Sundays.

Please remember if you have no need for the shirt anymore, you can give or sell it as pre-loved clothing, or I would also like to see that it is been recycled.

Thank you so much, Wouter.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Product - Mannequins


Mannequins | Euroshop 2008 | Hans Boodt

The invention of mannequins is unknown to the human being. Records show that there were mannequins found in Egypt in 1300 BC. 
Life-size mannequins come to life in the mid-18th century. They were used in the military to do nuclear tests on what the effect would be on humans in the 1950s. In the 17th century, doctors used mannequins to study the medical anatomy of pregnant women for childbirth.

Mannequin head! Paper mache tutorial

How to Prepare A Mannequin for Draping | Sewing with Stefanie

Zita Fabiani

Development and manufacturing of sustainable products, including recycled products, in the fashion industry are important for the environmental and social impact they have. The competitive fashion world is strategic and innovative, keywords to be ahead of the development of products.

When starting to create, the blog can easily be used as a recording platform or a drawing board to memorise unique ideas captured from the internet.

When you observe your immediate surroundings, including your house, garage, garden, and dustbins, you can find materials to start building the product (mannequin). Recycle as much as you can. Be environmentally friendly!

Google says: "The fashion industry produces up to 100 billion garments a year and as much as 92 million tons of clothing went into landfills." Start now to recycle and be friendly to our mother earth, who feeds us fresh food in our stomachs to keep us healthy. 

Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Official Music Video) - 1987

"I am going to leave you with a thought; it is OK." -  Pieter

The article was written by Pieter Lategan

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Issey Miyake - Japanese Fashion Designer


Issey Miyake

1938- 2022 - Photo: Voque

Miyake was born in Hiroshima, Japan. When he was only seven years old, he lost his mother to the atomic bomb at Hiroshima (9 August 1945), which he survived and also can remember.  

His clothing designs were technology-driven, and that was what he was well known for. He was also famous for the design of Steve Jobs, a friend of his, the black turtlenecks he wore.

Evening dress
Designer Issey Miyake Japanese
fall/winter 1992–93

Tokujin Yoshioka has created an installation of see-through bodies as part of a large-scale exhibition of fashion designer Issey Miyake

- Written by:

Pieter Lategan (June 2024)

Shayne Ward - No Promises (10 April 2006)

To Riaan:
I remember the night you came and visited—no shoes, your tone hurt the previous night when we were on the mobile phone.
This song is playing in the air tonight when you enter my apartment. You touched my hand and I felt your breath next to mine.

- Pieter

Saturday, June 15, 2024



I had a lot of meetings when I worked, and one lady who worked with me always sat and drew figures while in a meeting, sometimes she just drew lines and circles, I thought, in the beginning, it was boring, but today, I am busy with the TEFL course, they give it a name. This part of learning and they call kinaesthetic. So if you draw and listen you are not always bored, you are just busy learning. Never know that...

Friday, June 14, 2024

A New Logo


A fresh start needs a fresh look and feel. Slowly I moved on with my business and started new adventures.

Begin to sell on Facebook goods.

I am busy with my TEFL certificate and hope to be fineshed before the end of September 2024. 

I started to learn Italian.

I have new ideas for my clothing line and started to advertise on

Then hopefully start to facilitate as soon as possible. 

It is 1:26 AM this morning. I went to bed around half past eight, and now I am wide awake. I must say I had a few glasses of white semisweet wine, which put me in a state just to eat and go and sleep. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sunday 14 April Props for the Concert, Steampunk Theme

I took the photos of the props we are busy making for the school.  We finished with the money bags, busy with the steampunk gun and the princess hat.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

The New Coffee Shirt

I got this mini mat a year or so ago, and it was just lying in the studio. I thought to make a shirt on it and started around Thursday. It was not a huge success, and I still need to work on it.

Photo Pieter Lategan

Photo Pieter Lategan

How Jeremy Loops is Championing Sustainability Through Music and Environmental Activism

“Go Again.” Jeremy Loops - 2024 Jeremy Loops, a Cape Town-born singer-songwriter and environmental activist, is back with his signature groo...